
Waste Gas Collection Systems

Non-Condensable Gas (NCG)
Collection Systems

A. H. Lundberg is the leading supplier of Non-Condensable Gas (NCG) collection systems to the Pulp and Paper industry, with over 200 systems installed worldwide.

We have over 60 years of experience designing and deploying waste gas collection systems, thermal oxidizers, boiler gas injection systems, kilns, and incinerators to handle all types of NCG sources. Our Thermal Oxidizer Systems are designed to handle gases of varying concentration and composition, and to meet or exceed all specified regulatory requirements. Our team of experts also has extensive experience solving problems relating to waste gas management across a broad spectrum of process industries.

Pulp & Paper – Non-Condensable Gas Collection System

Kraft pulp mills are normally characterized by a distinct foul odor caused by sulphur compounds, referred to as Total Reduced Sulphur (TRS), that are generated in the Kraft pulping process when wood is cooked with Kraft liquor. Typically, TRS gases found in the highest concentrations are hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan), dimethyl sulfide, and dimethyl disulfide.

TRS gases emitted from digesters, evaporators, turpentine systems, strippers, brown stock washers, and liquor storage tanks are referred to as Non-Condensable Gases (NCG).

AHL specializes in the design and installation of collection & handling systems to address:

The AHLS waste gas collection and conditioning system may include the removal and recovery of condensates, gas reheating, and pressurization to safely convey the gases to the point of thermal oxidation. The thermal value and sulphur content of the waste gases typically determines which thermal oxidizer technology will be applied. The presence or absence of oxygen in the waste gas will dictate how it can be most safely handled.

Our experience includes the implementation of a variety of devices and technologies, including kilns, flares, power boilers, recovery boilers, direct-fired oxidizers (incinerators) and regenerative thermal oxidizers (RTOs) for the destruction of waste gases.

Waste Gas Collection Systems

Biogas and Landfill Collection and Utilization

Safe and environmentally friendly energy recovery

Anaerobic digestion has proved successful in many applications for its ability to recycle biogenic wastes to produce biogas, while landfill gas (LFG) recovery has become a standard technology in most industrialized countries for safe and environmentally friendly energy recovery. These gases, which contain up to 80% methane, have increasingly been used in combined heat and power (CHP) engines and turbines, or as a supplement to natural gas in industrial equipment such as boilers and dryers.
AHLS can assist in determining the best usage for your biogas or landfill gas, and can provide complete gas collection, treatment, transport, and custom burner systems.
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