
From basic audits to full project turnkey, we’re here to help.

Flexible Engineering Scope of Services

Basic Engineering

These basic engineering services lay the groundwork for more detailed and specialized engineering phases, providing a solid foundation for successful project development and execution.

Detailed Engineering


These detailed engineering services contribute to the meticulous planning, design, and execution of projects, ensuring precision and adherence to standards throughout the engineering lifecycle.

Turnkey Engineering

Engineering Disciplines

Process Engineering

Process engineering provided by AHL typically includes process flow diagrams (PFDs), piping & instrument diagrams (P&IDs), customer vessel drawings, pump specifications, instrument specifications, typical general arrangements, assembly drawings (if appropriate) and operating and maintenance manuals. Drawings such as the piping and instrumentation diagrams and instrument specifications can be done on plant title blocks using standard symbolism and specifications.

Operating and maintenance manuals are specifically detailed for the given process and plant requirements. Full information on all supplied equipment is included, in addition to a detailed description of all instrumentation.

Mechanical Engineering

Instrumentation / Controls / Electrical (I.C.E.)




Civil / Structural


AHLS civil and structural engineering covers everything from initial design to construction oversight and compliance with regulatory requirements.

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