
For local knowledge,
tap into our worldwide network

The following is a list of the A.H. Lundberg’s global network of representatives. Your local agent will be pleased to provide further information about our products and services.

Australia/New Zealand

Paperlines Limited
Contact: Harry Mowbray
Phone: 64-7-827-3426
Email: paperlines@gmail.com

Beijing, China

Beijing Rionlon Technology & Trading Co., Ltd.
Contact: Lydia Li
Tel: +86 10 8580-6448
Email: Lydia@psscchina.com

Beijing, China

Betterford International Trading Ltd. 903 Center Apartment New World Centre Chongwenmenwai Street Beijing 100062, China
Contact: David Li
Phone: +86 10-6708-1998
Mobile: +86 13501152359
Email: 13501152359@163.com


Shulunma Consulting BV, Jozef Springaelstraat 42, 1651 Beersel,Vlaams Brabant, Vlaanderen, Belgium
Contact: Raymond Ma
Phone: +32 (435)91-1830
Email: Raymond.ma@protonmail.com


Av.Osvaldo Reis nṁ 3385 sala 702
88306-773 -Itajai-SC - Brasil
Contact: Daniel Borges
Tel.: +55 47 3201 3567
Cel.: +55 51 999 065 661
Email: daniel.borges@prossen.com.br

AHL China Field Engineer

Contact: Liming Yu
Phone: +86-15954025033
Email: LYu@ahlundberg.focusonfabulous.com

Hong Kong, China

Castles & Hermes
International Co., Ltd.
Contact: Paul Choi
Phone: 852-2317-6003
Email: pcaccel@netvigator.com


Amzen Industries, Inc.
Contact: Carlo Laparan,
General Manager
Phone: +632 372-8801
Email: info@amzenph.com


KGK Engineering Corp Kanematsu KGK Corporation
1-6, Sakuradai 1-chome, Nerima-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Contact:Hitoshi Kondoh
Email: h-kondoh@kgk-j.co.jp


Equator Energy Coporation
Contact: Bernardo Fabula, President
Phone: +632 856-4311
Email: bfabula@equatorenergypinoy.com.ph


Jingwei Engineering Sdn Bhd
Contact: Clement Voon
Phone: +60 88 272935
Email: clementvoon@jingweiesb.com

Shanghai, China

Shanghai Lang De Bei
System Technology
Contact: Tim Wu
Phone: +1-86-13321855912
Email: 13321855912@189.cn

South Korea

Konsik Kim
Contact: Konsik Kim
Phone: +82-10-8378-2919
Email: juham4refill@empas.com

South Korea

Udo Co. Inc.
Contact: Jay Chang
Phone: 031-445-7556
Email: chang@udolink.co.kr


Rosoco AB Vespergränd 67, 19272 Sollentuna, Sweden
Contact: Sal Passanisi
Email: spassanisi@ahlundberg.focusonfabulous.com


Siam Alliance Group Co. Ltd
Contact: Surasak Thinnakornsibud
Phone: 011 662 931 3691
Email: surasak_t@siamag.com

AHL USA Service

Oxidizer Inspection Services, LLC
Contact: Tim Jackson
Phone: 425-275-8215
Email: Oxidizerinspection@gmail.com


Lo Brothers Engineering Co. Ltd. 20/20 Bangna-Trad Road 16.5 km Bangplee, Samurtprakarn,
Thailand 10540
Contact: Vira Lobunchongsook
Phone: 02 337 0478
Mobile: 081-935-6617
Email: vira@lobrother.com


Huyen Tran
Contact: Huyen Tran
Phone: +84 012 1702 2258
Email: trahuyen@gmail.com


Quality Field Industrial Co., Ltd.
Contact: Katy Jiang
Phone: +1-886-7-2255077
Email: qf88@ms35.hinet.net


Lo Brothers Engineering Co. Ltd. 20/20 Bangna-Trad Road 16.5 km Bangplee, Samurtprakarn, Thailand 10540 Contact: Vira Lobunchongsook
Phone: 02 337 0478
Mobile: 081-935-6617
Email: vira@lobrother.com


Nam Thuan Phat Engineering Group
Contact: Phan Nhat Tuyen
Phone: +84 8 6267 7308
Email: nhattuyen@namthuanphat.com

Jakarta, Indonesia

PT Repindo Perkasa Makmur (RPM)
The City Tower, Lantai 12-1N
Jl. MH Thamrin No. 81
Jakarta Pusat 10310
Contact: Lendy Repi
Phone: +62-811-945-643
Email: lendy.repi@ptrepindo.com

Office: +62-21-75672388
Email: office.sales@ptrepindo.com


Contact: Jim Nester
Phone: 610-323-7670, ext 101
Email: jnester@nestecinc.com


Shulunma Consulting BV, Jozef Springaelstraat 42, 1651 Beersel,Vlaams Brabant, Vlaanderen, Belgium
Contact: Raymond Ma
Phone: +32 (435)91-1830
Email: Raymond.ma@protonmail.com

Hong Kong

Cair Technologies Limited, Room 703, 7/F Fu Fai Commercial Centre, 27 Hillier Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Phone: 02 337 0478
Mobile: 081-935-6617
Email: vira@lobrother.com
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