
AHL Products

Sulphur Burner Systems

A.H. Lundberg can design and deploy a variety of advanced Sulphur Burner Systems that will cost-effectively incinerate elemental sulphur to generate sulphur dioxide.

Methanol Purification Systems

A.H. Lundberg’s patented Methanol Purification System provides energy savings and environmental benefits to process industries by remediating effluent streams containing methanol.

Evaporators & Crystallizers

A. H. Lundberg has worked with all types of liquids and systems from pre-evaporators to concentrators, and crystallizers with high product solids. We have the expertise to deliver the best possible solutions.

Air Pollution Control Systems

A.H. Lundberg has over 60 years of experience in the remediation of process waste gas discharges.
We offer a wide variety of advanced solutions to ensure environmental regulatory compliance.

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